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Huntsman and Romney to Pay Utah a Visit


Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman will formally announce his plans to run for President next Tuesday. And then he’ll be off on a whirlwind tour of several states, including his home state of Utah, where he just might run into another Utah favorite: Mitt Romney. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune, and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics.

Salt Lake Tribune Washington Correspondent Thomas Burr

(KCPW News) Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman will formally announce his plans to run for President next Tuesday. And then he’ll be off on a whirlwind tour of several states, including his home state of Utah, where he just might run into another Utah favorite: Mitt Romney. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune, and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson asked him about Huntsman and Romney’s plans for June 24th.


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