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Utah’s Plan to Manage Wolves

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

On Friday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to delist wolves from the endangered species act and to return control of management of the animals over to the states.  KCPW Reporter Kim Schuske has this story on Utah’s management plan.


    I want to hear wolves howl in the Uinta Mountains and the Abajo Mountains, among other places in Utah.

    The states of Montanna Wyoming and Idaho have demonstrated what wolf management they intend to apply if sttes are to take control and the wolf is delisted. Their approach is strictly cruel and lethal. I don’t expect Utah to be any more cordial to these wonderful animals.

    The “plan”. Worst plan ever! Unless you happen to be a welfare rancher or a big game hunter. Most Utahns are not, and most Utahns would never support this “plan” or the federal government’s delisting plans for wolves if they had a say. It has been established that this is true. Sadly, most Utahns (and wolves) do not have powerful lobbyists representing them and cannot afford to throw money at politicians.

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