Both Sides of the Aisle

Super Tuesday pt. 2, COVID-19’s impact on health and the economy and the last week of the Utah legislative session


Both Sides of the Aisle – Natalie Gochnour is joined on The Right by Sen. Dan McCay, R-Riverton, and on The Left by Shireen Ghorbani, Salt Lake County Council member. They discuss the March 10th Super Tuesday results, predictions on the presidential race, the widespread economic impacts of COVID-19 and how best to react, University of Utah law professor Chris Peterson announcing his candidacy for governor running as a Democrat, the Utah legislature’s reaction to the coronavirus, the revival of the school breakfast expansion bill, the bipartisan walkout protest of a mandatory ultrasound bill by all the female Utah senators, the two pots of $10 million set aside for affordable housing and rural counties and the potential expansion of the education earmark to include special needs services.

Both Sides of the Aisle
Both Sides of the Aisle is a weekly debate over politics, policy and current issues facing the state of Utah, featuring voices representing the Right, the Center, and the Left. Produced by KCPW Studios
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Sunday 12:30 PM

Thursday 10:30 AM

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