Both Sides of the Aisle

2017 Year in review


Natalie Gochnour is joined on The Right by Rep. Dan McCay, R-Riverton, and on The Left by Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City. They discuss the high and lowlights of the year, including Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation; Utah legislators lowering the legal blood alcohol concentration limit to .05; former Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s early resignation from Congress; and Pres. Donald Trump’s visit to Utah.

Both Sides of the Aisle
Both Sides of the Aisle is a weekly debate over politics, policy and current issues facing the state of Utah, featuring voices representing the Right, the Center, and the Left. Produced by KCPW Studios
On Air

Sunday 12:30 PM

Thursday 10:30 AM

    Music Song