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Leavitt’s Role in Romney Campaign Swiftly Attracts Criticism


The presidential race has been buzzing this week over a well-known Utah politician who’s stayed in the political sphere since leaving office. Former Governor Michael Leavitt has been chosen to lead GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s transition team in the event he wins the election. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornfalkes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics.

Salt Lake Tribune Washington Correspondent Thomas Burr

(KCPW News) The presidential race has been buzzing this week over a well-known Utah politician who’s stayed in the political sphere since leaving office. Former Governor Michael Leavitt has been chosen to lead GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s transition team in the event he wins the election. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornfalkes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson asked him about Leavitt’s role in Romney’s campaign.


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