Both Sides of the Aisle

Gun control, gun safety and the specter of recession


Both Sides of the Aisle – Natalie Gochnour is joined on The Right by John Dougall, Utah State Auditor, and on The Left by Shireen Ghorbani, former Salt Lake County Council member. They discuss the state of gun control in the United States, how we begin to shift the culture around guns and how we can prevent mass shootings like those in Buffalo and Uvalde. They also discuss the census overcount in Utah; the upcoming debate between Sen. Mike Lee, Ally Isom and Becky Edwards and what to expect when you’re expecting a recession.

Both Sides of the Aisle
Both Sides of the Aisle is a weekly debate over politics, policy and current issues facing the state of Utah, featuring voices representing the Right, the Center, and the Left. Produced by KCPW Studios
On Air

Sunday 12:30 PM

Thursday 10:30 AM


    Shireen said that some suggest “an alternate reality where the government will come take people’s guns. That is simply not doing to happen in this country.”

    And yet that happened in Australia, and is currently happening in Canada. “Mandatory government buybacks” are literally government taking away people’s guns and rights in the name of ‘safety’.

    The price of essential liberty is risk, and it’s awful when that risk comes out wrong. But the cost of losing liberty with the illusion of eliminating risk is that the results of that risk are distributed far wider and far more frequently than you have ever seen.

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