In the Hive

Mitigating the city-caused deaths of hundreds of millions of migratory birds


There are myriad threats to birds around the world. Prominent among those threats are habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. Today on “In the Hive” we’ll look at the risk the human built environment itself poses to birds.

(Cedar Waxwings thought to be window-strike victims on Library Square. Roger McDonough | KCPW)
Most of the birds found in North America migrate from one place to another. And most of those migrants make their journeys at night. But, as one of our guests on today’s show points out, “birds didn’t evolve for the area below them to be really light and so for whatever reason, maybe similar to a moth going to a flame or a porch light, birds tend to see areas with a lot of light pollution and then fly into them.” And then, they get stuck in the urban environment. “The way that their eyes work, they really just can’t perceive glass the way humans can.”

Birds colliding with windows in cities results in the death of hundreds of millions of birds every year. The good news? There are ways to correct these problems.

Cooper Farr, director of conservation with Tracy Aviary
Jeanne Leber, chair of Great Salt Lake Audubon’s bird-window collision working group

In the Hive
From local politics, to arts and culture, to history, the environment and beyond, “In the Hive” explores the issues and ideas that tie Utah together. Produced by KCPW Studios
On Air

Sunday 12:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM

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