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Huntsman to Set Up in Sunshine State


Not New Hampshire, not South Carolina, but Orlando, Florida. That’s where former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman has reportedly picked to be his campaign headquarters, in the event that he formally plans a run for the White House in 2012. But why Florida? Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune, and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics.

Salt Lake Tribune Washington Correspondent Thomas Burr

(KCPW News) Not New Hampshire, not South Carolina, but Orlando, Florida. That’s where former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman has reportedly picked to be his campaign headquarters, in the event that he formally plans a run for the White House in 2012. But why Florida?  Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune, and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson asked him what the advantages would be of running a campaign from Orlando.


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