
Join Us: One-Day Pledge Drive!

Friday, April 17, 2015
7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

HOW TO GIVE: Donate online, or give us a call at (801) 359-5279!

This pledge drive, as an extra incentive, the Hinckley Institute’s Wayne Owens Fund has generously donated a $10,000 challenge grant. The first $10,000 in donations will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to this gift. Named for the late U.S. Congressman, the Wayne Owens Fund is a proud sponsor of the Hinckley Institute Radio Hour.

WHY GIVE: KCPW is not about being the loudest voice in the room. Following the best traditions of journalism and the mission of public media, our aim is to be objective, thoughtful, ethical, accurate, and relevant.

With this set of core values, KCPW curates an enriching broadcast schedule and aims to fill some of the gaps in local coverage created by the shifting media landscape.

“The decline of local reporting is not simply a commercial matter affecting only newspaper owners and employees. In a federalist system like ours, information about the issues and conflicts faced in local jurisdictions is essential to self-government. The American system of governance is premised on having a functioning democracy at the local level. As Woodrow Wilson observed in 1898 (perhaps with some regret), “Our local areas are not governed. They act for themselves….The large freedom of action and broad scope of function given to local authorities is the distinguishing characteristic of the American system of government.” Because Americans have that local autonomy, an informed citizenry — one that has regular access to the debates and decisions of city councils, state legislatures, school boards, and planning commissions — is necessary for a government to be responsive to the body politic. Without local reporting, it is far more difficult for voters to make prudent decisions about local legislation and budgeting or to hold local elected officials accountable.”

– Howard Husock, “A New Role for Public Broadcasting?”

For more about local reporting trends and the role of local coverage in a democratic society read the full, National Affairs essay here.

PLEASE GIVE: Your support allows KCPW to continue, building a healthier democracy in the process. For your interest in this cause and your invaluable support, we thank you.

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