Both Sides of the Aisle

Romney and Wilson politely disagree and Dabakis is a grassy-knoll guy


Both Sides of the Aisle — Natalie Gochnour is joined on The Right by Rep. Dan McCay, R-Riverton, and on The Left by Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City. They discuss Senate candidates Mitt Romney and Jenny Wilson’s rather cordial debate; notable news from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference; and the medical marijuana compromise crafted by House Speaker Greg Hughes, proponents of medical cannabis and representatives from the LDS Church

Both Sides of the Aisle
Both Sides of the Aisle is a weekly debate over politics, policy and current issues facing the state of Utah, featuring voices representing the Right, the Center, and the Left. Produced by KCPW Studios
On Air

Sunday 12:30 PM

Thursday 10:30 AM

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