Both Sides of the Aisle

Guilty verdicts in the Derek Chauvin trial, federal reversal on a refugee cap and climate change news


Both Sides of the Aisle – Natalie Gochnour is joined on The Right by Sen. Dan McCay, R-Riverton, and on The Left by Shireen Ghorbani, former Salt Lake County Council member. They discuss the three guilty verdicts reached by the jury in the trial of Derek Chauvin over the killing of George Floyd and the reaction of political leaders in Utah. They also discuss the federal reversal of a limit on accepted refugees, the death of former Vice President Walter Mondale, the U.N.’s dire new report on climate change, the latest Cook Political Report for Utah, Dr. Angela Dunn stepping down as state epidemiologist and Salt Lake City councilmember Andrew Johnston’s appointment as the city’s new homelessness director.

Both Sides of the Aisle
Both Sides of the Aisle is a weekly debate over politics, policy and current issues facing the state of Utah, featuring voices representing the Right, the Center, and the Left. Produced by KCPW Studios
On Air

Sunday 12:30 PM

Thursday 10:30 AM

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