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Bennett Works With Wilderness Society


Former three-term Utah Senator Bob Bennett is lending a hand to The Wilderness Society in his political retirement. The Republican will collaborate with the organization on wilderness preservation, an issue where they also worked together while he was in office. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics.

Salt Lake Tribune Washington Correspondent Thomas Burr

(KCPW News) Former three-term Utah Senator Bob Bennett is lending a hand to The Wilderness Society in his political retirement. The Republican will collaborate with the organization on wilderness preservation, an issue where they also worked together while he was in office. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson began their conversation this week by asking him what kind of work Bennett will do for the conservation group.


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