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Huntsman Hopes to Gain Ground with Jobs Plan


Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is hoping a new jobs plan he unveiled this week will set him apart from the rest of the Republican crowd as he runs for President. He chose New Hampshire as his audience for the plan, a state where he just replaced his campaign manager.

Salt Lake Tribune Washington Correspondent Thomas Burr

(KCPW News) Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is hoping a new jobs plan he unveiled this week will set him apart from the rest of the Republican crowd as he runs for President. He chose New Hampshire as his audience for the plan, a state where he just replaced his campaign manager. Every Friday, we talk with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson asked him about the specifics of Huntsman’s plan.


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