Legislative Coverage

Politics Up Close: The Arizona Experience

Today, we broadcast a panel discussion KCPW moderated at Sprague Library in Sugar House, called Immigration Policy, the Arizona Experience, hosted by the City Library and the Enriching Utah Coalition. It explored Arizona’s experience with SB 1070, a controversial anti illegal-immigration law in that state, and HB 70, a similar Utah bill that just passed out of the Utah House of Representatives.

Local News

Is Sleeping at Work a Tax Crime?

A complaint against Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz about his practice of sleeping in his congressional office led to an attack this week from MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, who accused him of being a “tax criminal” for not declaring that as a benefit on his tax returns. It stems from a liberal watchdog group called CREW, which is also going after Utah Senator Orrin Hatch.

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Politics Up Close: Congressman Rob Bishop

With the GOP in control of the House of Representatives, Utah Congressman Rob Bishop now finds himself in a better spot after four years with a Democratic majority. We talked with him about his vote against re-authorizing the PATRIOT Act, President Obama’s budget set to be released on Monday, and his new role as chairman of a subcommittee overseeing public lands.

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Huntsman’s $$, Caucus of Three, & Bishop’s Wardrobe

If former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman intends to run for President now that he’s stepping down as Ambassador to China, he’ll most certainly need lots and lots of money. So who will help him raise it? Every week, we speak with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily, online round-up of Utah politics.


Politics Up Close: Former Health Insurance Exec Speaks Out

Wendell Potter used to be a top executive at a major health insurance corporation, CIGNA. Now, he’s trying to get the word out about the industry’s abuses, and how it’s heavily shaping the health care debate in Washington. We talked with him about his new book, Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans.

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Matheson’s Take on State of the Union

In his State of the Union address last night, President Barack Obama touched on several themes that should appeal to a conservative state like Utah, like cutting the deficit, slashing corporate taxes and even repealing No Child Left Behind. But he also talked about investing in things like fixing roads and clean energy, which some say is just more federal spending.

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Huntsman’s Plans, Bipartisan Seating, & Hatch/Chaffetz Rivalry

Former Utah Governor and now-Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman earned some ribbing from President Obama this week, when the president joked that Huntsman’s cooperation with him would surely help him win the Republican primary if Huntsman runs for president in 2012. Today, we begin a weekly conversation with Thomas Burr, Washington Correspondent for the Salt Lake Tribune, and author of Political Cornflakes, a daily online round-up of Utah politics.

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After Arizona Tragedy, Bennett Recalls Direct Threat from Talk Show Host

Former Utah Senator Bob Bennett says everyone should remember that the alleged shooter of an Arizona congresswoman is probably deranged, and shouldn’t be quick to blame the tragedy on any particular group. But he also told NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook this morning that the political rhetoric needs to be turned down. He recalled that a talk show host once gave out his home address.

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Bishop Wary of Defense Cuts

Utah Congressman Rob Bishop says the Pentagon should reconsider slashing the defense budget. Speaking on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, the Republican said he and other members of the armed services committee will be asking Defense Secretary Robert Gates to justify cutting $78 billion and pulling back troops over the next five years.

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