Local News

Utah Pride Festival to be the Largest in State History

This weekend’s Utah Pride Festival will be the largest in state history. Festival organizers say for the first time, the festival has sold out of vendor booth space, and has the largest number of entries in its Sunday parade, making it the second largest in the state next to the Days of ‘47. Marketing and Media Manager Marina Gomberg believes this year’s growth shows Utah is taking more steps to embrace the LGBT community.

Local News

Campaign Urges Residents to Get Tested for HIV/AIDS

As AIDS turns 30 years old, infection numbers continue to climb in Utah and throughout the country. June 5th marks the day the Centers for Disease Control first identified what is now known as HIV-AIDS. And as KCPW’s Whittney Evans reports, the Utah AIDS Foundation is launching a campaign with the help of Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker and other local officials to get tested and encourage other Utahns to do the same.

Legislative Coverage

Anti-discrimination Bill Likely Not Heard This Session

A bill that would protect gay and transgender Utahns from discrimination in employment and housing statewide will likely have to wait another year before it gets its day in front of the Legislature. As KCPW’s Jessica Gail reports, SB 148 has been tied up in the Senate Rules Committee for weeks.

Local News

LDS Church Says It Has Met With Christensen

The LGBT community is breathing a sigh of relief Thursday after Representative LaVar Christensen announced he’s pulling three of his bills, including one that would have impacted protections for gays and lesbians already passed by several cities. And as KCPW’s Jessica Gail reports, the LDS Church has met with the lawmaker.

Legislative Coverage

Same-Sex Adoption Bill Fails to Advance

The hopes of gay and lesbian couples wanting to adopt children in Utah were quickly dashed Monday, after a bill that would have allowed second-parent adoptions for unmarried couples stalled after a long debate. But as KCPW’s Jessica Gail reports, the bill’s sponsor isn’t giving up.

Legislative Coverage

LGBT Community Concerned By Lawmaker’s Bills

Advocates for the LGBT community in Utah are outraged, calling a bill proposed by Republican Representative Lavar Chrisentsen to create a “family policy” for Utah “backwards.” They say it and other bills he’s sponsoring this year have potentially devastating consequences. KCPW’s Jessica Gail reports on what both sides are saying.

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