KCPW Presents

4/18/14: “When Words Matter: A National Poetry Month Special”

In this National Poetry Month special, State of the Re:union explores all facets of poetry and its influence in host Al Letson’s life. We talk to poets from all over the country about the craft, the lifestyle, the resurgence of poems, and of course, hear some incredible poetry. This special aired on Friday, April 18,…

KCPW Presents

4/11/14: “The Really Big Questions: Why does Music Move Us?”

  Why Does Music Move Us? Music exists in every culture. Does that mean it offers an evolutionary advantage? What drives humans to make music? And why does music get so deeply embedded into our lives? We’ll delve deeper into what music can teach us about the human brain – with musicians and researchers including:…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: “All That Stands in the Way”

  Around the world young women still lack the same opportunities as men, despite most countries legislating against gender discrimination. So, what are the entrenched social and cultural attitudes that stand in the way of girls achieving equality? Through personal and informal accounts of the lives of teenage girls in Iceland, London, Lesotho, and Oman…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: IEEE Spectrum’s “Adapting to Climate Change”

 No matter what you believe about climate change, we can all agree that extreme weather events — tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, droughts — are occurring more frequently. These massive natural disasters upset lives and devastate property.  The costs of clean-up and reconstruction are enormous. Adapting to Climate Change explores the ambitious plans that engineers, scientists, government…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: “Innovation Hub: Woman’s History Month Special”

How have female innovators fundamentally altered our lives? We’ll talk with Wendy Kopp, who conceived of Teach for America as a college student and helped the organization change the nation’s educational system. In the medical realm, Dr. Paula Hammond joins us to discuss her pioneering cancer research at MIT and how she’s using nanotechnology to…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: Reveal Pilot #2

 In the Reveal Two pilot: An investigation by WBEZ/Chicago and The Chicago Reader exploring the path heroin takes from Ciudad Juarez to Chicago and across the midwest, where it supplies dealers, addicts and teens. This timely investigation is Reveal’s first collaboration with a station and we are very pleased with the results. The heroin segment…

KCPW Presents

“Smoke and Mirrors: Fact vs. Fiction about Utah’s air pollution”

  Join KCPW this Thursday at 7 pm for a special live broadcast entitled “Smoke and Mirrors: Fact Vs Fiction about Utah’s Air Pollution.”  A panel of 7 doctors from the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment will dispel 12 of the most commonly repeated myths concerning Utah’s air pollution.  The event will take place…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: “The Future of Genomic Medicine: From Pre-Womb to Tomb”

Join Dr. Eric Topol, Director of Scripps Translational Science Institute, for an exploration of the research and technological frontiers that will one day make individualized medicine routine clinical practice and change every facet of medicine from pre-womb to tomb. New research on the genetic variants associated with a wide range of chronic diseases, as well…

KCPW Presents

KCPW Presents: “What is This Thing Called Love?”

Hosted by writer, broadcaster and composer Dean Olsher, this program ponders the “why” behind humans’ drive to pair up. Why do human beings feel romantic love? What happens to the brains of people who are in love? How can scientifically studying love help us navigate our relationships? A fascinating cast of characters tackles these questions head-on: Neurologist Lucy…

Music Song