Legislative Coverage

Rep. Finds He Doesn’t Live in Own District, But That Could Change

A Republican state lawmaker has abruptly found himself out of a job, after learning he doesn’t actually live in the legislative district he represents. But he may get his seat back shortly enough. KCPW’s Jeff Robinson reports.

Local News

After Arizona Tragedy, Bennett Recalls Direct Threat from Talk Show Host

Former Utah Senator Bob Bennett says everyone should remember that the alleged shooter of an Arizona congresswoman is probably deranged, and shouldn’t be quick to blame the tragedy on any particular group. But he also told NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook this morning that the political rhetoric needs to be turned down. He recalled that a talk show host once gave out his home address.


Politics Up Close: Wilderness Debate

A new federal wilderness policy has stirred passionate debate in Utah. We heard opposing arguments from Peter Metcalf from Black Diamond Equipment, and Randy Parker with the Utah Farm Bureau Federation.


HHS Warns of Consequences for Utahns if Health Reform Repealed

While Republicans in the House of Representatives announce their plans to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Obama Administration is warning of the consequences that would bring to each state. Marguerite Salazar, Regional Director for the Department of Health and Human Services for the Rocky Mountain area, met with state leaders this week in Salt Lake City.

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