City Views

CityViews 6/13/12: The Art of Sitting/”Play Me, I’m Yours”

Segment 1: Think about your posture at the computer. Or on a park bench. Or on the couch. Chances are you’re slumping, hunched over or slouching. But according to yoga practitioner Charlotte Bell, there is a way to sit well. In her latest book, she offers 22 poses that will help align the spine, loosen…

Local News

Millcreek Residents to Vote on Whether to Become a City

When Millcreek Township residents head to the polls this November, they won’t just be voting on hopeful politicians, they’ll also be asked whether they want to form Salt Lake County’s newest city. KCPW’s Jessica Gail spoke with residents on both sides of the issue who have different ideas about what is best for the community.

Local News

Salt Lake Tribune Launches Crime Mapping Project

It’s impossible for every car break in or vandalism to be reported in the news. But a new project from the Salt Lake Tribune that relies heavily on computer-assisted reporting maps out exactly where these common types of crime are occurring, helping you avoid becoming a victim yourself.

City Views

CityViews 6/12/12: Understanding Depression/Military Suicides

  Segment 1: Over 20 million adults in the U.S. suffer from either depression or bipolar disorder, yet nearly half don’t receive any treatment for their condition. Still others are misdiagnosed. On Tuesday, we discuss a new book that explores why people aren’t getting the help they need and what new findings from the field…

City Views

CityViews 6/11/12: Terry Tempest Williams/Walking the Granary

Segment 1: Award-winning author Terry Tempest Williams looked forward to reading the volumes of journals her mother left to her after her death. But when the time came, Williams found only empty pages. The blank pages invited questions and in a new memoir, she explores the silence for answers. On Monday, Williams joins us to…

Local News

Survey Shows More Needs to be Done for LGBT Youth in Utah

The number of homeless youth who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender in Utah is on the rise. Over the weekend, local and national leaders committed to drawing attention to their plight were in Salt Lake City to discuss a new survey of LGBT teens that looks at issues facing those in Utah compared to others across the nation. KCPW’s Jessica Gail reports on the data.

Local News

Gay Presidential Candidate to Appear on Utah Ballot

Five Republican presidential candidates will appear on the ballot during Utah’s primary election later this month, one of them, the nation’s first openly gay presidential candidate from a major party. Fred Karger kicked off his Utah primary campaign in Salt Lake City Friday, saying although he knows Mitt Romney has secured the nomination, he still has an important message he wants to be heard.

Local News

Politics Up Close: State Auditor Auston Johnson, GOP Mayoral Debate Highlights

Auston Johnson has been Utah’s State Auditor for the past 17 years, and as he runs for re-election this cycle, is touting a record of transparency and uncovering fraud, waste and abuse in government. His opponent in this month’s primary election is State Representative John Dougall. He joined us in the studio to discuss his record and why the race matters.


Rape Recovery Center and Doctoral Candidate Work to Curb Dating Violence in Schools

Could teaching teens about dating violence actually lead them to be more aggressive? Studies say in certain cases, yes. Now, the Rape Recovery Center in Salt Lake City wants to help solve that problem. KCPW’s Jessica Gail explains how they’re working with youth to reverse the trend.

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